As an artist my inspiration has come from living in the beautiful mountains of British Columbia in Nelson BC. Growing up in a family of Artists, I was exposed to all forms of art starting at very young age.

Throughout my life I have been to many exhibitions at the Vancouver Art Gallery. The Emily Carr paintings brought me a sense of connection to my environment that led to exploring and enjoying painting in the natural surrounds of British Columbia.

After attending an exhibition of the French Impressionists, a painting of a sunset by Monet made an impact on me that could not be forgotten. The use of colour made the work come alive, I experienced the depth, meaning and feeling in a work of art.

In my current art endeavors, I draw power from all the things that have inspired me in my life. I have traveled through Australia, South East Asia and Central America/Mexico. Colour, texture and jewellery with gemstones were everywhere I went. After my travels I decided to attend The Kooteany School of The Arts studying Jewellery and Small Object Design.

Through my work I try to portray the beauty in nature which evokes emotion that brings an object to life. Working with fine metals has enabled me to explore form and to convey a sense of balance and calm to those who view and wear my art.




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Jewellery Design in Nelson, BC Kootenays featuring custom silver jewellery by Emmy Bufton.

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